I don't think I'd seen a single reference to IHNMAIMS in almost 30 years, and yours was the second I've come across today from completely independent sources. What is even going on?
Well, yes. Roughly six hours ago at my workplace, our VP for Administration made an offhand comment about an internal systems failure by using the phrase тАЬotherwise, itтАЩs going to be a real Kobayashi Maru scenario.тАЭ Our CEO raised an eyebrow and replied тАЬYou see? And you were worried that you wouldnтАЩt fit in here!тАЭ
I knew my people would get the reference.
I don't think I'd seen a single reference to IHNMAIMS in almost 30 years, and yours was the second I've come across today from completely independent sources. What is even going on?
Well, yes. Roughly six hours ago at my workplace, our VP for Administration made an offhand comment about an internal systems failure by using the phrase тАЬotherwise, itтАЩs going to be a real Kobayashi Maru scenario.тАЭ Our CEO raised an eyebrow and replied тАЬYou see? And you were worried that you wouldnтАЩt fit in here!тАЭ