It’s really an excellent point. There’s no reason to be afraid of guns. Of course they can and do kill many, many people but that’s only because the wrong people have them. The wrong people only have them because of progressive Marxist socialist cultural Marxism. People don’t get killed all the time by guns in Europe because they have no…
It’s really an excellent point. There’s no reason to be afraid of guns. Of course they can and do kill many, many people but that’s only because the wrong people have them. The wrong people only have them because of progressive Marxist socialist cultural Marxism. People don’t get killed all the time by guns in Europe because they have no Marxism there.
It’s really an excellent point. There’s no reason to be afraid of guns. Of course they can and do kill many, many people but that’s only because the wrong people have them. The wrong people only have them because of progressive Marxist socialist cultural Marxism. People don’t get killed all the time by guns in Europe because they have no Marxism there.
God, you people are painfully, painfully stupid.