A modest apology.

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Toss another baby on the barbie and raise a glass to a new Dean Swift...

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That's some Grade A sarcasm there, wow. I'd actually love to hear you read this one.

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I’d pay $8 a month to hear him read his posts!

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I pray to every god who exists, has existed, or ever will exist, that I never say something deserving of a Popehat beat-down.

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This is dripping with some serious fury. Love it.

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Masterful snark, and considering my wife loves watching reactionary a-holes like Tim Pool, The Quartering and Liberal Hivemind who just love Elon's freedom to be a racist, anti-Semitic f*ckwad, this and listening to Keith Olbermann's podcast are what keeps me sane-many thanks!

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I live in Tex-ass. I have to put up with Kenny Boy, and the whole majority of the modern Texas GOP that has him entrenched, on a regular basis.

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An apparent Texan told me to "move," but has since deleted the comment.

Side note: I'm not sure about the 2022 gov's race, but when O'Rourke ran against Havana Ted for the Senate in 2018, native Texans broke Beto. It was the migrants, above all, the Californicators (sorry, Ken!) who re-elected Cruz.

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Nov 22, 2023
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Dear God and sonny Jesus, where’s the vomit emoji

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Not "liking" that to like it, but, it's sad but true.

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It's simple once you recognize that all things are speech and all things are censorship. The Everything bagel is speech. Your choice not to buy one is censorship. You bagel-Nazi, you.

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Fiction is colonial violence that forces one person's point of view on others! /s

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Gobbless ya, you sarcastic SOB. You're doing The Lord's work!

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A dramatic reading might be a showstopper, given the sarcasm, faux groveling, and the rage . Wonderful essay.

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Truly brilliant as always, Ken! It pains me so much as a long time Floridian and space nerd who's watched rocket launches from my yard since the shuttle era, that SpaceX now dominates NASA's launch schedule! He violates the hard-working people who build those rockets(and the astronauts who risk their lives on those rockets) and the legacy of the space program every day with his word vomit.

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You are deplatforming the first AG to take up the righteous cause of Elon by not mentioning that the AG of Missouri did it first. Shame, shame, shame.

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We don't often get Ken White posts, but when we do, it looks like he really enjoyed the writing process.

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I have seen the error of my ways. The next time someone misgenders my kid, I shall engage that person in a calm, rational debate about whether or not my child acctually exists instead of punching that person in the dick. Thank you, sir.

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I'd love to hear an auditory rendition of this. Even better if you can share some of the more unique responses you get to this! It was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. You have won victory over ignorance. You love free speech.

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The final graf is the best invocation of the close of 1984 as I have yet consumed.

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