Sorry, you don't to say that the way a phrase makes you FEEL defines, without question, what it MEANS.
Because there are other people involved here, specifically the people who use this phrase. Do they get any say in what it means? Of course they do. When 30,000 people march in D.C. and chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be …
Sorry, you don't to say that the way a phrase makes you FEEL defines, without question, what it MEANS.
Because there are other people involved here, specifically the people who use this phrase. Do they get any say in what it means? Of course they do. When 30,000 people march in D.C. and chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free", do you really think they're seeing it as a "slogan of terror and violence"? How come your interpretation wins out over theirs?
The meaning of words is determined by their usage, and numbers do matter. Again, 30,000 people marching in D.C. chanting "From the river to the sea..." your claim is what they mean by this is "we want terror and violence". Here's an idea, why don't you ASK them what they mean by it?
Cause I've seen the tiktoks and the twitts and the signs held in thise rallies. A lot of them do say exactly that.
Because that sentance does not exist in a vaccume - it comes with other slogans like "intifada, revolution". And yes, Intifida *specifcaly means* war on civilians.
And yes, Intifida *specifcaly means* war on civilians.
You sure about that? Elsewhere in this thread, I was told "intifada" is OK, but "global intifada" means "kill all the jews." So hard to avoid calling for genocide with all this conflicting advice!
Upthread you said "End the occupation" is OK, but one way to end the occupation is to kill all the Jews, so are you sure "End the Occupation" is not also a call for genocide? Suppose we take your advice and stick to just "End the Occupation" but then next week Elise Stafnik decides that "End the Occupation" also means genocide?
Look, it's been fun, really it has, but I think going forward those of us who want to see the Palestinians living free of the Israeli occupation will just choose for ourselves the words that come out of our own mouths, without all this "helpful" advice from people who are clearly not our allies. Bye now!
Yes, I have. And do you see what you're doing here? You see something on Twitter, and that tells you what college students marching through the campus at Harvard MUST think, no doubt. Elsewhere in this thread, I learned that a guy at a protest in New York City held up a phone with a swastika on it, which not only means that all of the thousands of people at that protest want to kill all the Jews, but that students marching on a campus hundreds of miles away want to kill all the Jews.
I'm starting to suspect that you just REALLY want to believe these college students want to kill all the Jews and will grab at anything you can find to "prove" that. And I'm 100% positive you'll be successful in convincing yourself of this thing you already believe, congratulations!
I have asked dozens in person. Please link to a single tiktok etc that supports your claim. It is a straight up lie (of course someone out there may mena that, but I am talking about the vast majority well over 95 percent probably 99.5 percent or more).
Sorry, you don't to say that the way a phrase makes you FEEL defines, without question, what it MEANS.
Because there are other people involved here, specifically the people who use this phrase. Do they get any say in what it means? Of course they do. When 30,000 people march in D.C. and chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free", do you really think they're seeing it as a "slogan of terror and violence"? How come your interpretation wins out over theirs?
> Sorry, you don't to say that the way a phrase makes you FEEL defines, without question, what it MEANS.
To be clear, I never said this.
Do you agree with Humpty Dumpty in "Alice in Wonderland" that words mean whatever you want them to mean?
The meaning of words is determined by their usage, and numbers do matter. Again, 30,000 people marching in D.C. chanting "From the river to the sea..." your claim is what they mean by this is "we want terror and violence". Here's an idea, why don't you ASK them what they mean by it?
Have you asked them?
Cause I've seen the tiktoks and the twitts and the signs held in thise rallies. A lot of them do say exactly that.
Because that sentance does not exist in a vaccume - it comes with other slogans like "intifada, revolution". And yes, Intifida *specifcaly means* war on civilians.
And yes, Intifida *specifcaly means* war on civilians.
You sure about that? Elsewhere in this thread, I was told "intifada" is OK, but "global intifada" means "kill all the jews." So hard to avoid calling for genocide with all this conflicting advice!
Upthread you said "End the occupation" is OK, but one way to end the occupation is to kill all the Jews, so are you sure "End the Occupation" is not also a call for genocide? Suppose we take your advice and stick to just "End the Occupation" but then next week Elise Stafnik decides that "End the Occupation" also means genocide?
Look, it's been fun, really it has, but I think going forward those of us who want to see the Palestinians living free of the Israeli occupation will just choose for ourselves the words that come out of our own mouths, without all this "helpful" advice from people who are clearly not our allies. Bye now!
Yes, I have. And do you see what you're doing here? You see something on Twitter, and that tells you what college students marching through the campus at Harvard MUST think, no doubt. Elsewhere in this thread, I learned that a guy at a protest in New York City held up a phone with a swastika on it, which not only means that all of the thousands of people at that protest want to kill all the Jews, but that students marching on a campus hundreds of miles away want to kill all the Jews.
I'm starting to suspect that you just REALLY want to believe these college students want to kill all the Jews and will grab at anything you can find to "prove" that. And I'm 100% positive you'll be successful in convincing yourself of this thing you already believe, congratulations!
Intifada is the right to fight oppresion. Not a war on civilians. Point to ANY source whatsoever that supports this lie.
I have asked dozens in person. Please link to a single tiktok etc that supports your claim. It is a straight up lie (of course someone out there may mena that, but I am talking about the vast majority well over 95 percent probably 99.5 percent or more).