I absolutely understand your anger. I don't think they knew what to do either, any more than your judge knew how to get help. It's a very isolating thing to be on that side of the bench, as you kind of pointed out. There isn't a lot of places you can go, and if you do, it risks becoming a hu…
I absolutely understand your anger. I don't think they knew what to do either, any more than your judge knew how to get help. It's a very isolating thing to be on that side of the bench, as you kind of pointed out. There isn't a lot of places you can go, and if you do, it risks becoming a huge fucking shitshow everywhere.
Maybe these judges read the situation and because they didn't see an angle to make a difference, they didn't. I might have more mercy on them, and definitely for yourself. It was an impossible situation. Not all problems have a solution.
Sorry you had to learn that early lesson, but at least the story of the narrator has a happy outcome. He went on to have a pretty fantastic carrier, married, kids, etc.
What a hard story. I get why it haunts you.
I absolutely understand your anger. I don't think they knew what to do either, any more than your judge knew how to get help. It's a very isolating thing to be on that side of the bench, as you kind of pointed out. There isn't a lot of places you can go, and if you do, it risks becoming a huge fucking shitshow everywhere.
Maybe these judges read the situation and because they didn't see an angle to make a difference, they didn't. I might have more mercy on them, and definitely for yourself. It was an impossible situation. Not all problems have a solution.
Sorry you had to learn that early lesson, but at least the story of the narrator has a happy outcome. He went on to have a pretty fantastic carrier, married, kids, etc.